

Yves Storms, Professor and Head of Guitar at Ghent Conservatory:
“Jona Kesteleyn studied with me throughout his career at the Conservatory. Jona has remained dedicated to the constant improvement of the technical and artistic aspects of his music and his quest has always been the achievement of beauty in the sounds which he shapes.”

Johan Fostier, klassiek gitarist en mentor: "Jona Kesteleyn est un guitariste plein de talent : fluidité technique, beauté sonore, richesse de timbres se mettent au service d'une personnalité musicale riche, intelligente, honnête et sensible. Toujours au service de la musique, Jona propose dans ses récitals un choix de répertoire varié, intéressant et personnel. Elève ouvert d'esprit et rapide d'assimilation, il est devenu un vrai professionnel de la belle guitare classique! Son duo avec la flûtiste à bec Ruth van Killegem est un régal... Je lui souhaite une belle et longue carrière!"

Graham Anthony Devine: "Jona Kesteleyn is an excellent guitarist who performs with confidence and passion. He plays a wide range of repertoire from the Renaissance to 20th/21st Century works, all delivered with musical insight and thoughtfulness. Jona is certainly a talent to watch out for!"